Exposing the Soviet Lie of Israeli Apartheid

The lie of “Israel apartheid” was dreamt up in Moscow during the Cold War and driven home by a relentless Soviet propaganda campaign until it took hold in the United Nations and across the Middle East and the West. This included the repeated comparison of Israel with South Africa in Soviet media and in books such as Zionism and Apartheid, an official state publication of Ukraine, then part of the Soviet Union.

When Israel was re-established in 1948, following UN General Assembly Resolution 181, the new state initially pursued a policy of non-alignment. Surrounded by enemies, it needed economic support and arms from either or both the USA and USSR or their allies. Given the socialist political influences in Israel, Soviet leadership expected the country would turn toward communism and align with the USSR, thus strengthening Soviet power in the Middle East and its wider competition with the West. One of Stalin’s main reasons for quickly recognizing Israel in 1948 was the intention to use it to undermine British dominion in the Middle East.

Israel Aligns with the West

Even with significant Soviet covert and overt efforts to lure Israel into its fold, this may have been a vain hope from the beginning. In any case, the pressures of the Cold War in the 1950s, as well as domestic political considerations and concerns over antisemitism inside the Soviet Union, led Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion to align his country with the West, beginning with support for US-led UN intervention in Korea, against the Soviet will.

Israel’s participation with the United Kingdom and France in the 1956 Suez campaign further alienated the Soviet government, which wrote a letter to Jerusalem (as well as to Paris and London) threatening rocket attacks and promising direct military support to the Egyptian army.

The breakdown in Israel-Soviet relations was later compounded by Israel’s defensive victories against the Arabs in 1967 and again in 1973. Over this period, hope of Israel becoming a Soviet client had steadily evaporated. Arab armies sponsored, trained, and equipped by the USSR had been humiliated by American-armed Israelis, and so had Moscow. Thus, the Soviets progressively developed a policy of undermining Israel. Their primary objective was to use the country as a weapon in their Cold War struggle against the United States and the West.

The Kremlin understood that conventional attacks against Israel could not succeed, so instead focused on using Arabs as terrorist proxies, directing, training, funding, and arming groups like the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC), Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), and Fatah to carry out attacks against Israeli and Jewish targets, including wave after wave of aircraft hijacking.

Ion Pacepa

General Ion Pacepa, chief of Romania’s foreign intelligence service, played a significant role in Soviet bloc operations directed against Israel and the US. In 1978, he became the highest-ranking intelligence officer ever to defect from the Soviet sphere and, among many secret revelations, provided details of KGB operations against Israel. Pacepa says the chairman of the KGB, Yuri Andropov (later Leonid Brezhnev’s successor as General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party), told him:

We needed to instill a Nazi-style hatred for the Jews throughout the Islamic world, and to turn this weapon of the emotions into a terrorist bloodbath against Israel and its main supporter, the United States.” 


Islam was obsessed with preventing the infidels’ occupation of its territory, and it would be highly receptive to our characterization of the US Congress as a rapacious Zionist body aiming to turn the world into a Jewish fiefdom.

In other words, he knew that the Arabs would be easy tools in the anti-Israel propaganda war and were already playing their part. Their work only needed to be focused, intensified, and funded.

To achieve its objectives, the Kremlin devised Operation SIG, a disinformation campaign intended “to turn the whole Islamic world against Israel and the US.” Pacepa reported that by 1978, under Operation SIG, the KGB had sent some 4,000 Soviet bloc “agents of influence” into Islamic countries to help achieve this. They also printed and circulated vast amounts of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish propaganda, including the fabricated, antisemitic text The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, translated into Arabic. 

Changing the Game

As well as mobilizing the Arabs to the Soviet cause, Andropov and his KGB colleagues needed to appeal to the democratic world. To do so, the Kremlin decided to turn the conflict from one that sought simply to destroy Israel into a struggle for human rights and national liberation from an illegitimate American-sponsored imperialist occupier. They set about transforming the narrative of the conflict from religious jihad — in which Islamic doctrine demands that any land that has ever been under Muslim control must be regained for Islam — to secular nationalism and political self-determination, something far more palatable to Western democracies. This would provide cover for a vicious terrorist war, even garnering widespread support for it.

To achieve their goal, the Soviets had to create a Palestinian national identity that did not hitherto exist and a narrative that Jews had no rights to the land and were naked aggressors. According to Pacepa, the KGB created the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in the early 1960s, as they had also orchestrated so-called national liberation armies in several other parts of the world. He says the 1964 Palestinian National Charter was drafted in Moscow. This document was fundamental to the invention and establishment of an artificial Palestinian nationhood.

The PLO Is Created

The initial charter did not claim the West Bank or the Gaza Strip for “Palestine.” In fact, it explicitly repudiated any rights to these lands, falsely recognizing them respectively as Jordanian and Egyptian sovereign territories. Instead, the PLO claim was to the rest of Israel. This was amended after the 1967 war, when Israel ejected the illegal Jordanian and Egyptian occupiers, and the West Bank and Gaza for the first time were re-branded as Palestinian territory.

The first mention of a “Palestinian people” to mean Arabs in Palestine appeared in the 1964 charter. Previously, and particularly during the League of Nations/United Nations Mandate for Palestine 1919-1948, “Palestinians” had been commonly used to describe Jews living in the territory.

Zuheir Mohsen, a senior PLO leader, admitted in 1977:

The Palestinian people do not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity… Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons.

This reality has been publicly supported, sometimes inadvertently, in statements by several other Palestinian leaders. Quoted by Alan Hart in his 1984 book, Arafat: A Political Biography, PLO leader Yasser Arafat himself said: “The Palestinian people have no national identity. I, Yasir Arafat, man of destiny, will give them that identity through conflict with Israel.”

Moscow first took its campaign to brand Israeli Jews as the oppressors of their invented “Palestinian people” to the UN in 1965. Its attempts to categorize Zionism as racism failed then, but succeed almost a decade later in the infamous UN General Assembly Resolution 3379. Its determination that “Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination” was revoked under US pressure in 1991 but by then had gained great traction and is frequently cited today by anti-Israel campaigners.

The Mitrokhin documents [notes of KGB archivist and later defector Vasili Mitrokhin] show that both Yasser Arafat, and his successor as PLO chief, Mahmoud Abbas, now president of the Palestinian Authority, were KGB agents. Both were instrumental in the KGB’s disinformation operations as well as its terrorist campaigns.

Moscow, through Egypt, had installed Arafat as leader of the PLO in 1969 and its support kept him there in the face of internal dissent following the PLO’s expulsion from Jordan in 1970. According to Pacepa:

In 1969 the KGB asked Arafat to declare war on American ‘imperial-Zionism’… It appealed to him so much, Arafat later claimed to have invented the imperial-Zionist battle cry. But in fact, ‘imperial-Zionism’ was a Moscow invention, a modern adaptation of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and long a favorite tool of Russian intelligence to foment ethnic hatred. The KGB always regarded antisemitism plus anti-imperialism as a rich source of anti-Americanism…

Arafat and Abbas

Moscow had assigned to Romania the task of supporting the PLO, and Pacepa was Arafat’s handler during his KGB career. He provided Arafat with $200,000 of laundered cash every month throughout the 1970s. Pacepa also facilitated Arafat’s relationship with Romanian President Nicolae Ceaușescu, a master propagandist who had been given the job of schooling him in hoodwinking the West. For his dealings with Washington, Ceaușescu told Arafat in 1978: “You simply have to keep on pretending that you’ll break with terrorism and that you’ll recognize Israel — over, and over, and over.”

Ceaușescu’s advice was reinforced by North Vietnamese communist General Vo Nguyen Giap, whom Arafat met several times: “Stop talking about annihilating Israel and instead turn your terror war into a struggle for human rights. Then you will have the American people eating out of your hand.” (David Meir-Levi, History Upside Down: The Roots of Palestinian Fascism and the Myth of Israeli Aggression)

An internal KGB document among the Mitrokhin archives reported: “Krotov [Mahmoud Abbas’s cover-name] is an agent of the KGB.” The KGB definition of agents is those who “consistently, systematically and covertly carry out intelligence assignments, while maintaining secret contact with an official in the agency.”

Among other tasks, Abbas was used by the KGB to spread propaganda accusing “Western Imperialism and Zionism” of cooperating with the Nazis. He attended a Moscow university controlled by the KGB in the early 1980s.There, under the supervision of his professor who later became a senior communist politician, Abbas wrote a doctoral dissertation denying the Holocaust and accusing Zionists of assisting Hitler.

Abbas is now entering the 18th year of his four-year elected term of office. Like his predecessor Arafat, his consistent rejection of every offer of peace with Israel, while concurrently talking the talk about peace and sponsoring terrorism, shows the residual influence of his Soviet masters.

Israel’s Image

The KGB disinformation campaign transformed the image of Israel from regional underdog, surrounded by powerful enemies, into widely hated colonialist oppressor and occupier of the downtrodden Palestinian people, a narrative that remains as strong as ever today.

Meanwhile the Palestinian movement created by Moscow, in the words of American historian David Meir-Levi, is “the only national movement for political self-determination in the entire world, and across all of world history, to have the destruction of a sovereign state and the genocide of a people as its only raison d’etre.” This remains explicit in Hamas’s charter, while somewhat more opaque in the Soviet-influenced utterances of Abbas’s Palestinian Authority, especially those directed towards the West.

Moscow’s campaign was significantly undermined by the 2020 rapprochement between Israel and several Arab states. The lesson here is the importance of American political will against authoritarian propaganda, which led to the game-changing Abraham Accords. Had this project been vigorously pursued after its initial success, it might have eventually led to the collapse of the Soviet-initiated Palestinian project and perhaps a form of peace between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs. It might yet achieve that if the U.S. again musters the resolve to carry it through.

Meanwhile the December UN General Assembly vote and the UN Human Rights Council’s determination to brand Israel a racist, apartheid state prove that the Soviet Cold War narrative remains alive and well. Most Western nations also still slavishly follow the Soviet program.

Increasing media-driven erosion of popular support for Israel in the US, and the suppurating divisions it causes, are evidence of the Soviet ghosts’ success against their primary target: America.

Paying the Price

The chief victims, however, have been Palestinian Arabs, whose lives have been worsened; and Jews in the diaspora who have suffered immeasurable antisemitism based on Soviet-initiated propaganda. The former may not have been intended but would have been of no concern to Moscow; the latter was very much part of the plan.

Israelis of course have paid a great price for KGB-inspired terrorism and propaganda but have survived and flourished even under such enormous pressure. North Vietnamese General Giap, who once advised Arafat as we have seen, has an explanation for this, as recounted by Dr. Eran Lerman, former Israeli deputy national security adviser. According to Giap:

The Palestinians are always coming here and saying to me, ‘You expelled the French and the Americans. How do we expel the Jews?’ I tell them that the French went back to France and the Americans to America. But the Jews have nowhere to go. You will not expel them.

Col. Richard Kemp is a former British Army Commander and head of the international terrorism team in the U.K. Cabinet Office. He now is a writer and speaker on international and military affairs, and a Jack Roth Charitable Foundation Fellow at Gatestone Institute. A version of this article appeared on the Gatestone Institute website.

Preacher John Macarthur(and his church) who defend rapists, pedopfiles and wife abusers for nearly 40 years say there is no such thing as mental illness and PTSD

Speaking recently at a church conference, popular author and pastor-teacher John MacArthur told attendees that mental illness doesn’t exist. He also implied that children who take medications due to mental health diagnoses are turned into “a potential drug addict” or “potential criminal.” 

“The major noble lie is that there’s such a thing as mental illness,” said MacArthur during a Q&A session at a conference on April 20 at Grace Church of the Valley in Kingsburg, California. “Now this isn’t new. You have Thomas Szasz back in the 1950s, who was a psychiatrist, writing a book on ‘The Myth of Mental Illness.’” (Szasz’s book was first published in 1961.)

MacArthur continued: “There’s no such thing as PTSD. There’s no such thing as OCD. There’s no such thing as ADHD. Those are noble lies to basically give the excuse, in the end of the day, to medicate people. And Big Pharma is in charge of a lot of that.” 

MacArthur’s comments came after Grace Church of the Valley Pastor Scott Ardavanis asked MacArthur why he wrote “The War on Children.”

“The War on Children” was originally slated to be published by Thomas Nelson. However, after The Roys Report (TRR) published exposés, revealing that MacArthur failed to protect child abuse victims, and excommunicated a mother for refusing to allow her abusive husband back into her home, that agreement apparently fell through. Other Christian publishers also refused the book, so in March, MacArthur self-published the book through his ministry. 


Pattern of harming the vulnerable

In the early 1980s, GCC was sued by the parents of someone who committed suicide after receiving biblical counseling at GCC. The case was eventually dismissed. But at the time, GCC leaders said the church would change its counseling training programs. 

Yet, just last year, the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC) removed a pastor at MacArthur’s Grace Community Church (GCC) as an approved ACBC counselor.

The pastor, Bill Shannon, oversees the biblical counseling ministry at GCC. And the move by ACBC came after numerous victims of abuse said GCC had a dangerous pattern of protecting abusers and harming victims.

It also came after TRR reported that MacArthur had publicly excommunicated a former member, Eileen Gray, for refusing to take back her child-abusing husband, David Gray.

A follow-up story by TRR revealed that even after David Gray was convicted in 2005 of sexually molesting his children, MacArthur and GCC continued to shun Eileen and support David.

TRR also published an exclusive story about Paul Guay, a former pastor at GCC. According to an eyewitness, Guay confessed to MacArthur in 1979 that he had molested his daughter, Wendy Guay. Yet MacArthur retained Paul Guay at GCC, calling him “a faithful part of our staff” in a letter obtained by TRR

Decades later, Wendy Guay wrote to MacArthur, pleading with him to help her expose her father, who was still pastoring, as a serial pedophile. MacArthur refused and replied in an email, “I’m not sure why all this has become an obsession for you after so many years.”

MacArthur has not responded to repeated requests for comment by TRR about his handling of the Paul Guay or David Gray cases.

In addition, MacArthur’s The Master’s University and Seminary (TMUS) has videos posted on its YouTube channel in which John Street, chair of the graduate program of biblical counseling at TMUS, teaches that a spouse should endure abuse like a missionary endures persecution.

“The abused victim is the key player in reaching and changing the abuser,” said Street in the lecture.

John MacArthur’s Church Failed to Report Kidnapper & Child Molester for Two Years

In June 1982, Albert Alegrete, a Sunday School teacher at John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church (GCC), confessed to a pastor at GCC that he had committed sex crimes against children.

But for two years, GCC did not report Alegrete’s crimes to police. And during that time, Alegrete kidnapped a girl, who “managed to escape only by jumping out of his moving car,” according to the Los Angeles Times.

In the spring of 1984, GCC discovered that police were looking for Alegrete. The church then pressured Alegrete to turn himself in, which he finally did in April 1984.

Alegrete was then convicted and sentenced to 44 years in prison for molesting five girls, aged 9 to 13 years old, and kidnapping a sixth in 1981 and 1982.

But his story, which first came to light nearly 40 years ago, touches on some of the egregious issues revealed in recent investigations by The Roys Report, namely the failure of GCC to report child abuse and molestation to police. According to multiple witnesses and documentation, GCC failed to report Paul Guay’s sexual abuse in 1979 and David Gray’s child abuse in 2001.

Arab Islamic Racism: Terrorist Supporting Professor Zein El-Amine Dubs US Congressman a ‘Race Traitor’ and ‘Uncle Tom’

A Georgetown professor accused an African-American congressman of being a “race traitor” and an “Uncle Tom” over his support for Jewish students as they face a tidal wave of anti-Semitism on campus from pro-Palestinian protesters

Professor Zein El-Amine, a Lebanese writer and adjunct lecturer at Georgetown, lashed out at Rep. Byron Donalds (R., Fla.) on Thursday when the lawmaker arrived on campus to show his support for the embattled Jewish and pro-Israel community.

El-Amine was caught on video published Friday by the Daily Caller shouting at the black congressman, “How much is AIPAC [the American Israel Public Affairs Committee] paying you, you race traitor?” “You’re working for a foreign entity, you bastard,” the professor added, calling Donalds an “Uncle Tom,” a racist term for a black person who is seeking approval from whites.

El-Amine’s comments are the latest examples of racist and anti-Semitic rhetoric on America’s college campuses, which are experiencing the worst unrest in decades. Pro-Palestinian protesters at some of the country’s most prestigious colleges continue to demonstrate against Israel as university leadership struggles to stem the rising tide of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic harassment.

Donalds labeled El-Amine a “racist” on Friday during a Fox News interview on the incident.

“Jewish students are being intimidated, harassed & assaulted. It’ll take the courage of ALL AMERICANS to stand-up to this radicalism & REJECT it,” Donalds tweeted along with the interview clip. “If it takes me having to deal with a racist protestor at GW, so be it—I can take that.”

Anti-Israel Georgetown Professor Dubs US Congressman a ‘Race Traitor’ and ‘Uncle Tom’

For boys, all-male environments can be an abusive, toxic place

Rachel Giese is the editorial director of Xtra and the author of Boys: What it Means to Become a Man

Even rendered in the careful, dispassionate language of news reports, the descriptions of videos taken at Toronto’s St. Michael’s College School are disturbing: Multiple scenes of alleged violence against boys by a gang of their classmates. In one, an alleged threat; in another, an alleged assault with a belt.

But worse are the two that initially came to light after circulating on social media. The first depicts an alleged physical assault by a group, and the second an alleged gang sexual assault.

Filming the attacks and then circulating them was presumably intended to amplify the alleged victims’ suffering through the humiliation of public exposure. But the unintended result is that the videos at last provide evidence of what many former and current students allege is as an endemic problem of violence and intimidation at the prestigious all-boys school that goes back decades and has long been ignored by school administrators.

Many students endured it and kept their trauma secret for years, others quietly left the school when the bullying became too much. Kyle Fraser, now a university student in the United States, transferred from St. Michael’s five years ago after experiencing verbal harassment. Following an emergency alumni meeting earlier this week, he told the media the school fostered a culture of “toxic masculinity.”

That the silence about this toxic culture has persisted for so long is not surprising. Children and teenagers who experience physical and sexual abuse are reluctant to disclose it. A 2010 study by University of Toronto social-work professor Ramona Alaggia noted that 60 per cent to 80 per cent of children who experience sexual abuse don’t tell anyone until they reach adulthood.

The reasons are multiple: They are intimidated into silence, they are confused and ashamed, or they don’t think they’ll be believed. And, of course, many institutions – the Catholic Church chief among them – have gone to extraordinary lengths to cover up and deny their histories of rampant sexual abuse of children.

For boys, there is also the specific stigma brought on by societal messaging about what it means to be a man. Prof. Alaggia writes that men who were sexually abused as children or teenagers “reported being profoundly affected by prevailing attitudes about masculinity and images of men as supposed to be immune to victimization or as being perceived as inadequate when victimized.”

In other words, boys who are abused often don’t speak up or ask for help for fear that being a victim will make them appear unmanly or weak. Homophobia is central to this. Straight boys are afraid of being perceived as gay, and gay and bisexual boys worry that they will be outed or blamed if they talk about their abuse.

All-male, fraternal environments such as boys-only schools, sports teams and fraternities magnify these gender dynamics and biases. British psychotherapist Joy Schaverien coined the term “boarding school syndrome” to describe how exclusive, hierarchical boys’ academies such as Eton and Harrow teach young men to be bullies, to be loyal to their clique-ish institution and disdainful of “the other,” to bury their emotions and take pride in their capacity to endure pain, to feel entitled and to dominate those weaker than themselves.

And as would be expected, these hypermasculine societies and arenas not only support a culture of aggression and abuse, but celebrate it as tradition in hazing and initiation rituals that range from mild mortification to severe physical and sexual assault.

Perpetrators depend on the codes of masculinity and brotherhood – “boys don’t cry” and “snitches get stitches” – to keep this behaviour a secret. American sociologist Lisa Wade has studied the epidemic of deaths, injuries and abuse at college fraternity parties. She writes that “fraternities have drink, danger and debauchery in their blood – right alongside secrecy and self-protection.”

For male victims in these environments, silence can seem like the only option – because disclosure is framed as disloyalty, being a victim is equated with emasculation and talking about one’s trauma is seen as a failure of one’s manhood.

If there is any good to come out of the horrible events at St. Michael’s College School, it’s that survivors may finally feel safe to come forward. One of them is Jean-Paul Bedard, who attended the school in the 1980s and says he was subjected to a “sexualized initiation” ritual. He’s been prompted by the recent alleged sexual assault to speak out about what he says happened to him 30 years ago, in the hope of supporting others.

“As a man,” he said in a recent TV news report, “there’s this added stigma. I know that this young man is dealing with that stigma. Other men need to reach in and step up.”


White Crimes

10 Reasons Why College Should be Abolished


I’m going to come right out and say it and this isn’t about sensationalism or dramatic theater.

College should be abolished, and the sooner the better. It’s already ruined an entire generation of Millennials. Many of whom are pushing 30, are underemployed, loaded with student loan debt, and will never earn enough money to justify their over-priced pieces of paper. Do we really want to push this system on to the next generation?

I can appreciate the good intent the college system set out to achieve. For previous generations, the formula actually worked. Students enrolled into universities that were affordable, they gained marketable skills and they earned good jobs. That was then and this is now.

This system no longer works and it’s not fixable. I repeat. It is not fixable and we must stop pretending like it is.

Here’s 10 reasons why college should be abolished.

1.) It Provides No Greater Access to What You Don’t Already Possess
Everything the institutions of higher learning hold sacred is prehistoric. Thanks to technology and the evolution of progress, textbooks, libraries, computer labs and course curriculums are now completely worthless. Did you know that back in the day, the major draw to attending college was access to the school’s resources? Since the Internet and personal computers didn’t exist 30 years ago, many people had to attend college so they could get access to emerging technology and books. When Bill Gates was in high school he would sneak out at night to go to the local university that at the time had one of the biggest and baddest computers on the planet.This was the only way he could learn and advance his skills. Thanks to the advancement of technology that put a personal computer in every person’s household Bill’s story is no longer applicable. Back then, this access to resources that universities provided directly correlated to an individual’s career success and job prospects. By gaining access to elite technology and learning material, you were in a small elite social circle of people who were best equipped to be the next generation of skilled workers. Here’s the problem we face in 2014. Now that everyone has a personal computer, smartphone and tablet, why do they need a college university to teach them and expose them to things that they already have access to?

2.) It’s Out of Touch
The college system has become shamelessly arrogant. For decades they’ve held an almost God-like power, whereby people hung on every word and belief universities stated. Most of all, people believed and continue to believe that the college system can somehow predict the future of employment. Since the world moves at such a rapid pace and changes direction so swiftly, the college system will never be able to accurately predict emerging job markets as it once did and they most certainly won’t be able to predict how long industries will last. They used to be able to, back when an industry lasted a good 20+ years, but those days are over. Now that the Great and Powerful Wizard of Oz has shown himself to be nothing more than a mere mortal, what do you need him for? He can no better predict your ability to get and maintain a job as a Meteorologist can accurately predict the weather.

3.) It Cost Too Much
College used to be affordable. In 1978, a student who worked a minimum wage job all summer could pay for one year of tuition and fees at a 4-year public university, with enough money left over to cover 50% of room and board. Today, a student would have to work another 4 ½ months at minimum wage just to cover tuition and fees (source: #raisethewage) I won’t waste my time or yours discussing the numerous reasons why the cost of a college education has increased at a rate higher than inflation, because at the end of the day the reasons don’t matter. All that matters is that the problem exists. Are you really willing to spend the amount of money equivalent to paying off two luxury cars or half the cost of a home on a college degree that will likely not prepare you for the real world, not prepare you for a job and not get you a job?

4.) It Won’t Get You The Job It Claims It Will
Job placement for recent college graduates is at a historic low, but how can that be when Millennial’s are the most highly educated generation in human history? Didn’t our parents and our teachers tell us that going to college would guarantee us a high paying job in an in-demand field? Turns out they were all wrong and the college system is to blame, because they mass-marketed this nonsense. College has been masquerading as an institution built on its primary purpose being to educate people so that they’re smarter and more intelligent. That notion is built on a lie. It’s a marketing gimmick that’s worked for decades because it sounds sexy to say you’re smart. The real truth is that people go to college expecting to get a job. College doesn’t teach skills necessary for today’s rapidly evolving job market, so why on Earth would you pay tens of thousands of dollars to learn stuff? Have you heard of the Internet? Learn stuff there if you want to be smarter. It’s free.

5.) It’s a New Dawn and a New Day
We’re living through what I call The Age of Experts. Employers need people who are experts in their fields and can demonstrate their expertise’. This is very different from the last generation of workers who got high paying jobs in emerging white collar fields just by simply interviewing well, kissing their bosses rear and doing what they were told. Those people are generally nothing more than paper pushers and project managers. I’m not saying this to offend. I’m saying this to be brutally honest. I used to be a paper pushing project manager as well working for small businesses, medium businesses, and Fortune 500’s. These PP’s and PM’s are slowly but surely losing their jobs to downsizing and computer programs that do their jobs much faster, more efficiently and much cheaper. The issue of college comes into play when realizing that these institutions are still pushing people to pursue worthless degrees in marketing and business that lead to a job as a paper pusher or project manager, where they’ll eventually be laid off annually hoping they find a new job before the lights get turned off.

6.) Being Smart No Longer Matters
Remember being a kid when everyone would tell you how smart you were? As you got older, you heard it less and less. It wasn’t because you got dumber as you got older. It was because everyone else eventually rose to the same level. As the clone machine did it’s work, by the time high school graduation came around, it eventually stamped out enough carbon copies, making you no smarter than the person to the right or left of you. Back in the old days before smart phones, Google, Siri, Wikipedia and The Internet existed, there was this thing called an encyclopedia. People would spend hundreds of dollars on these books so they could obtain knowledge and impress their friends, family and colleagues with how much intelligent information they knew. Everyone didn’t own an encyclopedia, so as a result not everyone was as smart as their next door neighbor. But what happens when everyone has an equal opportunity to learn? This is what’s happening today thanks to The Internet. Being smart no longer matters. Listen carefully. I’m not saying that being dumb is ok or encouraged. What I’m saying is that on a deeply conscious and subconscious level, our college education system is still fooling people into believing that being smarter than someone has value. It’s one thing to be a brilliant mathematician. They’re in a league of their own, but for your average college graduate, they are no smarter than the person next to them, therefore being smart no longer has the same level of scarcity it once had before college was mainstreamed for the masses. These scamming institutions of higher learning are fooling people into believing that being smart advances you in the job market. So what do people do? They get degrees in Eastern Philosophy, Psychology, Art History or some other intellectual “smart guy/gal” degree that has zero value to an employer. This is an outright scam, and it’s continuing to be propelled by the notion that being smart still matters. What a joke.

7.) It’s a Waste of Time. Literally.
A Bachelor’s degree takes most people half a decade or longer to complete. In this day and age, the world changes too rapidly to waste time pursuing something you sought out to accomplish half a decade prior. By the time you graduate with your Bachelor’s degree, there’s a high probability that A.) The career/profession you sought 4 – 6 years prior no longer exists or has been completely disrupted or B.) The information you learned for the past 4 – 6 years is now completely obsolete.

8.) Too Much Supply. Not Enough Demand
Everyone wonders why the jobs didn’t return after the recession. That’s because businesses realized they never needed the over bloated workforces they had to begin with. That was the big problem Gen X and Baby Boomers faced when trying to find work after the recession. Employer’s cut the fat and made the last men/women standing pick up the slack of their fallen comrades. Woohoo! You get to do two people’s jobs for the price of one! As for Millennials, they faced the challenge of distinction. America loves to brag that Millennial’s are the most highly educated generation in human history. What they won’t tell you is that Millennial’s are also the most underemployed generation in human history. This is a result of the carbon-copy attributes they each posses. Since an overwhelming majority of college pursuits only teach you how to be smarter, which as I referenced earlier is now worthless, there are millions of kids with the same zero skills and zero experience competing for the same very limited jobs. To make matters worse, they’re not just competing with people in their local areas. They’re competing with the entire planet. Employers would prefer to farm-out work overseas or higher off-site contractors than pay you a salary with benefits and a pension.

9.) It Kills Creativity
Your youth is the most formative years of your life. The ages of 18 – 25 are particularly important as your brain is beginning to fully form it’s ideals, beliefs and thoughts about yourself, the world, and where you fit inside. This process parallels the most creative time of most people’s lives. Think about it. Some of the greatest and most talented leaders of today developed their ground-breaking ideas in the ages between 18 – 25. Gates, Jobs, Branson, Zuckerberg. When you waste these years spending them following direction, being told how to sit in your seat, shut up and do what you’re told, you become even more of a clone than you were during your adolescence. The chance of you unlearning this non-sense as you get older so that you have a chance to think bigger and create things of value become virtually impossible. Creativity is all that matters now. Being able to follow order is no longer valuable to employers. They want people who can think outside the box and create things, because creating things of value makes money, and businesses like money. So go to college. Stifle your creativity and you’ll never live a life of prosperity or security.

10.) You Can Teach Yourself
Thanks to The Internet you can teach yourself just about anything for free or maybe $20 bucks for a book or online course. Education has become open source. The institutions of higher learning hate this, because those gatekeepers who previously held a choke hold on knowledge no longer own the keys to the kingdom. Using sites like Lynda.com, Udemy.com, Mixergy.com and even YouTube have allowed me to gain marketable skills that have led to numerous job and business opportunities. At the height of the recession when all of my college graduate buddies couldn’t find a job, I was on fire. I was rolling in opportunity and I dropped out of college after my freshmen year. Yes. That’s right. I dropped out of college. So when I plead my case for 10 reasons why college should be abolished, I can say something this outlandish because I’ve practiced what I preach and my path has worked out phenomenally.

My rant is over and after reading through it you might be thinking, “if college is to be abolished how will I make a living or get a job?” I’m not going to pretend to provide a blanket one-sized fits all answer to this question. Unlike college, I don’t believe I’m a God and can predict your future. What I will say is that you should not attend college by default. This is what happened to The Millennials. Everyone went to college and didn’t pay attention to any of the pertinent details such as how much it would cost, job placement percentages or the evolution of the job market and the role technology would play. Think. That’s what you need to do. Use your brain, find your own path and blaze a trail.

Michael Price is an entrepreneur and author of What Next? The Millennial’s Guide To Surviving and Thriving in the Real World endorsed by Barbara Corcoran of ABC’s Shark Tank. An advocate of ideas for radical change, he has received critical acclaim for his lessons in education, career, entrepreneurship, and personal finance.


Popular Palestinian Terrorist Commentator, Jamil Ziyada, admits on Hamas TV that all they want is to kill Jews and destroy Israel.

Columbia Terrorist University:

Anti-Israel activists threatened Jewish and Israeli students with further October 7 Massacres, claimed membership with Hamas, and expressed support for terrorism during the Columbia University protests that began on Wednesday, according to footage and accounts from local media and organizations.

“Remember the 7th of October!” shouted a man with a red keffiyeh over his face in a video published by Columbia Sundial editor-in-chief Jonas Du on social media on Friday.  “That will happen not one more time, not five more times, not 10 more times, not 100 more times, not 1000 more times, but 10,000 times!”

“Never forget the 7th of October,” said another masked man wearing a Palestinian flag, standing outside the campus gates on Thursday night. “Are you ready? 7th of October is about to be every day. Every day.  7th of October is going to be every day for you.”

Florida Senator Rick Scott condemned the activists in the video as “antisemitic terrorist sympathizers” and warned that their support for Hamas would not be forgotten.

“You don’t want a ceasefire or peace. You want violence, terrorism and to support thugs who hate America and our great friend Israel,” Scott wrote on X on Friday. “If action is not taken immediately, we must revoke all federal funding and hold these ignorant ‘protestors’ and the university, enabling them accountable for this violent, evil rhetoric.”

A woman in a Keffiyeh shouted at a pro-Israel activist “we are Hamas” outside Columbia on Wednesday, according to a video published by Freedom News on Youtube.
