Women’s rights according to the Imam of Peterborough mosque and his guest speakers

Kawartha Muslim Religious Association’s al-Salaam mosque (Ontario) hosted in recent years several imams for speaking engagements with the local Muslim community:

  • Bilal Philips gave a speech in December 2012.
  • Sheikh Musleh Khan gave the speech “A Happy Home: Keys to Building a Successful Household” on March 23, 2013 at St. Peter’s Secondary School (Auditorium) 730 Medical Drive Peterborough.
  • Sheikh Abu Usama al-Thahabi was the guest speaker at the 2nd Annual Winter Conference “Strengthening a vibrant Muslim Community” held on December 28, 2013 at St. Peter’s Secondary School (Auditorium) 730 Medical Drive Peterborough.
  • Sheikh Alaa ElSayed and Sheikh Zakariya Warsame were the guest speakers at the 3rd Annual Conference “Walking in the Footsteps of the Sahaba (Muhammad’s companions)” held on December 25, 2014.

Masjid al-Salaam was severely damaged in a fire on November 14. The arson was strongly condemned by the federal government, the City, faith groups and members of the public from all walks of life. More than $110,000 were raised in few days to help renovating the mosque. The Police treat the arson as a hate crime.


more at http://en.cijnews.com/?p=14695

Does Justin Trudeau share the same values as the Imam of Peterborough a-Salaam Mosque?


Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau condemned the arson at Kawartha Muslim Religious Association’s a-Salaam mosque in Peterborough on November 14, 2015, which is being investigated as a hate crime.

In this statement issued on November 16, Trudeau repeated his strong belief that the diversity of faith groups which share the same Canadian values are a source of strength, not weakness. “The values that make our country great are values that celebrate our diversity and our religious tolerance. Canada is a country that is strong, not in spite of our differences, but because of them. Muslim-Canadians contribute enormously to the social and economic fabric of our nation.”

Two days later a-Salaam mosque in Peterborough was mentioned yet again and this time in Trudeau’s statement against the expressions of hatred and racism in the aftermath of Paris attacks. “Diversity is Canada’s strength. These vicious and senseless acts of intolerance have no place in our country and run absolutely contrary to Canadian values of pluralism and acceptance,” said Trudeau.

Does all Muslim religious leadership in Canada share the same values mentioned by Justin Trudeau? The Imam of a-Salaam mosque in Peterborough, Shazim Khan, provided an interesting perspective about the family values in Islam.

In a a speech at Abu Huraira Center in Toronto few years ago, Imam Shazim Khan explained that the wife has always to respond to her husband’s call to bed unless she has a genuine reason, to avoid suspicious behavior such as talking to other men, to serve her husband in order make her marriage successful. The husband, according to Imam Shazim Khan, should take care of all his wife’s needs, and to prevent his wife from having a job outside home unless there is necessity.

more at http://en.cijnews.com/?p=14640

Feminist hypocrite Glosswitch “Men’s refusal to support women in challenging male violence, coupled with their expectation that we pick up the pieces, makes me despair.”

feminist confession: we need to spend less time celebrating femininity and more time attacking masculinity




last year she wrote an article claiming masculinity should be attacked. 14 months later she expect men to help women challenge male voilence



her hypocrisy is archived on the internet forever


student leaders at U of Ottawa scrap yoga classes scrapped over ‘cultural issues’



Student leaders have pulled the mat out from 60 University of Ottawa students, ending a free on-campus yoga class over fears the teachings could be seen as a form of “cultural appropriation.”

Jennifer Scharf, who has been offering free weekly yoga instruction to students since 2008, says she was shocked when told in September the program would be suspended, and saddened when she learned of the reasoning.

Staff at the Centre for Students with Disabilities believe that “while yoga is a really great idea and accessible and great for students … there are cultural issues of implication involved in the practice,” according to an email from the centre.

The centre is operated by the university’s Student Federation, which first approached Scharf seven years ago about offering yoga instruction to students both with and without disabilities.

The centre goes on to say, “Yoga has been under a lot of controversy lately due to how it is being practiced,” and which cultures those practices “are being taken from.”

The centre official argues since many of those cultures “have experienced oppression, cultural genocide and diasporas due to colonialism and western supremacy … we need to be mindful of this and how we express ourselves while practising yoga.”

The concept of cultural appropriation is normally applied when a dominant culture borrows symbols of a marginalized culture for dubious reasons — such as the fad of hipsters donning indigenous headdresses as a fashion statement, without any regard to cultural significance or stereotype.

But Scharf, a yoga teacher with the downtown Rama Lotus Centre, said the concept does not apply in this case, arguing the complaint that killed the program came instead from a “social justice warrior” with “fainting heart ideologies” in search of a cause celebre.

“People are just looking for a reason to be offended by anything they can find,” said Scharf.

“There’s a real divide between reasonable people and those people just looking to jump on a bandwagon. And unfortunately, it ends up with good people getting punished for doing good things.”

There were about 60 students who participated in the free program.

Acting student federation president Romeo Ahimakin denied the decision resulted from a complaint.

Ahimakin said the student federation put the yoga session on hiatus while they consult with students “to make it better, more accessible and more inclusive to certain groups of people that feel left out in yoga-like spaces. … We are trying to have those sessions done in a way in which students are aware of where the spiritual and cultural aspects come from, so that these sessions are done in a respectful manner.”

Scharf offered a compromise, suggesting she change the name from yoga to “mindful stretching,” since that would reflect the content of the program and would “literally change nothing about the course.”

“I’m not pretending to be some enlightened yogi master, and the point (of the program) isn’t to educate people on the finer points of the ancient yogi scripture,” she told the Sun.

“The point is to get people to have higher physical awareness for their own physical health and enjoyment.”

According to email correspondence between Scharf and the centre, student leaders debated rebranding the program, but stumbled over how the French translation for “mindful stretching” would appear on a promotional poster, and eventually decided to suspend the program.

Student federation official Julie Seguin sympathized with Scharf over e-mail, defending the use of the term “yoga,” and saying, “I am also still of the opinion that a single complaint does not outweigh all of the good that these classes have done.”

Seguin said “labeling the CSD’s yoga lessons as cultural appropriation is questionable (and) debatable” and called on further discussion with the student executive.


U.K transgenders using the media to attack straight men for not being interested in them


The Mirror has officially jumped the fucking shark. Now they’re openly shaming people for being straight. And by people, I mean men and boys (duh).

Transgender teens Claire, Devon, Arin and Katie have set out to expose the harsh reality of modern, teen relationships.

Appearing in a new BBC Three documentary, Young, Trans and Looking for Love, they let viewers see a glimpse of their lives as they struggle to find love.

The doc shows the moment Claire, from Virginia, meets a guy that she likes, only to be rejected by him as soon as he finds out she was born a boy.

In the video above, Claire takes to the beach in a bikini for the first time – having avoided the moment (and a bikini) since she transitioned to female nearly a year ago.

With the help of her friends, she builds up courage to speak to boys, saying: “I’m excited as there are a lot of cute guys out there.”

“What kind of guys are you into?” the beach boys ask, as Claire replies about her ideal type, revealing “I like the guys who are really funny.”

As the bikini-wearers find out the intentions of the boys, asking of they’re “cute”, the keen boys instantly reply with comments like “most definitely” and “gorgeous”.

One boy even asks: “We should hook up sometimes.”

Another says: “So I should put you in here [his phone] as ‘beautiful’?”

The boys, who were originally attracted to Claire, did not call after finding out that she is trans.

“That’s it, silence,” says Claire. “Like nothing from them again.”


Wait. Y-you’re trying to t-tell me…. If a boy pretends to be a girl and then tricks straight boy, the straight boy might not be cool with the fact that the imposter is actually a boy?

How on earth could this level of bigotry have even arisen in this world? Surely, it’s those evil right-wingers like Trump to blame. I even heard the rumor that he only fucks women with actual wombs.  We must transcend this sexual ignorance. #LynchTrump2016

Seriously though. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; these progressives are fucking sick.

They don’t respect anything. Not your culture, not your race, not your laws or constitution, and certainly not your sexuality.  They shout that you’re a bigot if you ever even make a joke about their sexuality. But they want to completely and totally dominate your sexuality. They want to dictate what fantasies you’re allowed to have. They even want to ban male sex toys they don’t like. They want to completely control where you stick your penis, because as a straight white man, choosing who you have sex with is just rapist-privilege.

Look, I honestly don’t have a problem with trans-people, as long as they don’t try to dictate a) my language or b) my sexuality. If you attempt to do either of those, I will have zero respect for you⸺obviously you have zero respect for me. I’m sure they would have the same problem with me if I tried to tell them who they should fuck or what words they should use. The social-engineering bubble is starting to burst.

Is Your Kid a Weirdo?

Is Your Kid a Weirdo?


America is in the grip of a crisis, namely a shortage of normal people. Evidence indicates that the population of kooks and freaks is rapidly increasing, and there are simply not enough sane people to keep the weirdos under control. Especially among the under-30 demographic, the United States is struggling to cope with the proliferation of dangerous perverts, drug addicts, psychotics and Ivy League liberal arts majors:

A student at Columbia University is urging the school to inject more diversity into its required courses, claiming she suffered severe emotional trauma from reading too many books by and about white people.
Columbia students and faculty gathered Wednesday night for a panel discussion on “Race, Ethnicity, and University Life.” . . .
One of the panelists at the event was black Columbia student Nissy Aya. Aya was supposed to graduate in 2014, but instead is only on track to receive her degree in 2016. That, Aya says, demonstrates “how hard it has been for me to get through this institution” . . .
Aya attributed some of her academic troubles to the trauma of having to take Columbia’s current Core Curriculum, which requires students to take a series of six classes with a focus on the culture and history of Western, European civilization. . . .
“It’s traumatizing to sit in Core classes,” she said. “We are looking at history through the lens of these powerful, white men. I have no power or agency as a black woman, so where do I fit in?”

If you can afford to attend Columbia University (annual tuition $51,008), you are not an oppressed victim of society. A student at an elite university who believes she is being “traumatized” by the curriculum is delusional — she is demented, deranged, mad, zany, wacky, off her rocker, and a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

Everybody knows that Columbia attracts fruitcakes and dingbats. The alumni include Megan McCain and Barack Obama, after all. Unfortunately, this weirdo trend is not limited to the Ivy League elite. A poll finds that 40% of “Millennials” (ages 18-34) support prohibiting “statements that are offensive to minorities.” Everything written by “powerful, white men” (Aristotle, Cicero, Augustine, Hume, Locke, Madison, Burke, et al.) might eventually be banned as “hate speech,” in order to avoid “traumatizing” fragile neurotics like Nissy Aya.

Parents need to be aware that their children could be swept up in this pandemic insanity, which is highly contagious. Monitor your child’s psychological health by asking questions like, “Are you victimized by oppressive gender norms?” and, “Do you need a trigger warning before you read Shakespeare?” If a kid answers “yes” to questions like that — or if they dye their hair cerulean blue and start whining about “objectification” in video games — this indicates your child may be at risk of becoming a weirdo afflicted with Special Snowflake™ Syndrome.

Characteristically, these weirdos believe they are entitled to whatever they want, whether it is a Columbia diploma or better media “representation” of their sexual identity. The Special Snowflake™ is typically a privileged young person who identifies as a victim, either because of their race, their sexual orientation, or whatever mental illness (depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc.) they self-diagnosed based on a list of symptoms they read on a  blog. Your kid may seem perfectly fine — an honor student with lots of friends, cheerfully involved in extracurricular activities — and then quite suddenly, for no apparent reason, she starts moping around, wearing bizarre clothes, and grumbling about how she’s oppressed by the patriarchy.

Consider the case of a teenage girl, the daughter of two successful lawyers, who became convinced she was a victim of society:

I’ve never felt quite like a woman, but I’ve never wanted to be a man, either. . . .
I discovered my mistake one day in junior school, when a few of the girls in my class were chatting about what boys they fancied. . . . Even back then, there was something odd about me, a strangeness . . .
I couldn’t think of anything to say that would be both interesting and true. So I mentioned that I often felt like I was a gay boy in a girl’s body. Just like everyone else, right?
I could tell from their faces that this was not right. It was very, very wrong. . . .
I often wished I was a lesbian. But I almost always fancied boys, and if you fancied boys, you had to behave like a girl. And behaving like a girl was the one subject, apart from sports, that I always failed. . . .
I was anorexic for large parts of my childhood and for many complex, painful, altogether common reasons, of which gender dysphoria was just one. I felt trapped by the femaleness of my body, by my growing breasts and curves. Not eating made my periods stop. It made my breasts disappear. On the downside, it also turned me into a manic, suicidal mess, forced me to drop out of school, and traumatized my entire family.
At 17, I wound up in the hospital, in an acute eating disorders ward, where I stayed for six months. . . .
I was bisexual, and I was very much hoping that one day when I wasn’t quite so weird and sad I’d be able to test the theory in practice. . . .
I got better. . . . I left the trauma of the hospital far behind me and tried to cover up my past with skirts and makeup. . . .
At 24, I wrote columns about abortion rights and sexual liberation, and books about how to live and love under capitalist patriarchy. In response, young women wrote to me on a regular basis telling me that my work helped inspire them to live more freely in their femaleness. They admired me because I was a “strong woman.” Would I be betraying those girls if I admitted that half the time, I didn’t feel like a woman at all? . . .
Only when we recognize that “manhood” and “womanhood” are made-up categories, invented to control human beings and violently imposed, can we truly understand the nature of sexism, of misogyny, of the way we are all worked over by gender in the end. . . .
Questioning gender . . . is an essential part of the feminism that has sustained me through two decades of personal and political struggle.

Yes, Laurie Penny became “genderqueer,” and is now one of the World’s Most Famous Victims of Heteropatriarchal Oppression.

Victimhood can be quite a lucrative racket for a privileged Special Snowflake™ like Laurie Penny (who graduated from Oxford University and recently completed a prestigious Nieman fellowship at Harvard) but most weirdos cannot cash in so easily on their grandiose delusions of persecution. In fact, a kid who succumbs to this entitlement mentality could get arrested in Pocatello, Idaho:

An Idaho school was placed on lockdown after a student threatened to “kill all the girls” because none of them would send him nude photos.
A 15-year-old boy was charged with one count each of threatening violence at a school and telephone harassment in connection with the threats — which spread quickly across social media Wednesday morning and were then reported to officials at the Pocatello/Chubbuck School District.
Police immediately initiated a controlled access code at Highland High School as officers investigated the threat.
“Some kid who was having attention problems with specifically the cheerleaders, didn’t get nudes,” said student Isaac Gomez. . . .
A screenshot posted online by KIDK-TV appears to show a text message conversation between the teen and a friend who tries to talk the boy out of his violent plot, which he intended to carry out about 9:30 a.m. Friday.
“(I’m) serious I have a 12 gauge shotgun and a 9 mm pistol I will bring and start killing everyone,” one message said. “I also have hunting knives I can bring.” . . .
Additional messages between the teen and his friend suggested his motivation for wanting to kill girls at his school.
“This,” the friend texted, “Over freaking nudes? Dude.”
“Because no one will give any to me,” the teen complained. “Every one hates me. And I hate (one particular girl). And I will kill myself after.”

You see the pattern? Nissy Aya is “traumatized” because Columbia University requires her to read about white males. Laurie Penny is “traumatized” because of the gender that society “violently imposed” on her. And this 15-year-old boy in Pocatello, Idaho, was traumatized because the cheerleaders wouldn’t send him any freaking nudes.

Weirdos have always been dangerous, but now the weirdos are trying to take over society — in the Ivy League, at BuzzFeed, in Idaho — and there are not enough normal people to stop them.

These weirdos are not victims of society. They are the products of inadequate parenting, and our civilization is slowly being destroyed because of the petulant tantrums of whiny brats whose parents lacked the courage to tell their spoiled offspring that the world is not obligated to indulge your hurt feelings. When adults abdicate authority, children never learn to respect others or accept personal responsibility. And so the “broken people” are everywhere nowadays . . .




‘The Hunting Ground’ crew caught editing Wikipedia to make facts conform to film

A crew member from “The Hunting Ground,” a one-sided film about campus sexual assault, has been editing Wikipedia articles to make facts conform with the inaccurate representations in the film.

Edward Patrick Alva, who is listed on the film’s IMDB page as part of the camera and electrical department, has been altering Wikipedia entries for months, in violation of the website’s conflict-of-interest guidelines. Alva is the assistant editor and technical supervisor for Chain Camera Pictures, the production company associated with “The Hunting Ground” director Kirby Dick.

Wikipedia guidelines state: “Do not edit Wikipedia in your own interests or in the interests of your external relationships.” As a member of the film’s production team, Alva should not have been editing pages about the film or related to the film.


“Anita Sarkeesian’s Twitter Followers Are 55% Fake, And It’s Getting Worse”


The problematic shitlords of GamerGate have struck again, exposing a dramatic drop in the quality of cultural critic Anita Sarkeesian’s Twitter following. The quality of Feminist Frequency’s followers now matches her arguments, say internet wags.

GamerGate has been a constant target of Ms. Sarkeesian’s tweets, videos, speaking engagements and fundraising activities since its inception in August 2014. At the same time, the consumer revolt against unethical games press and the incursion of authoritarian SJW politics into gaming has been Anita’s most vociferous critic. Gamers are still aghast atSarkeesian’s shoddy research methods and cherry-picked examples, as a recent video by Canadian supporter Margaret MacLennan illustrates.



The battle against GamerGate appears to have taken a toll on Sarkeesian’s Twitter following, according to statistics on TwitterAudit.com, a website whose tagline is, “Exposing Twitter fraud since 2012.”


TwitterAudit shows that in May of 2015, Anita had just over 286,000 followers, with a very good ratio of 87 per cent real followers. The current report shows Anita having 430,000 followers, a significant jump, but the quality ratio of 45 per cent is, as she would say,problematic.

She has lost more than 65,000 followers judged real, and picked up more than 200,000 accounts deemed fake. The primary result of this change is that Sarkeesian’s tweets do not have nearly the reach that her follower count would lead an observer to believe.

more at


Anita Sarkeesian must wish the IRS was a social construct

The scum of the Earth continues to sink deeper into a big swamp.


Feminist Frequency, the popular charitable organisation known for its Tropes vs Women in Video Games series, has finally filed an IRS 990 form for 2014. It raised a few eyebrows in theBreitbart Tech offices.

The 990 form is an annual submission that tax-exempt organisations are required to file with the IRS, and it is supposed to include information on the organisation’s goals, achievements, and finances for the year so that both the IRS and the public can see whether the organisation is following best practices.

Now that Feminist Frequency has filed their 990, albeit at the last possible moment, the internet is scrutinising its contents, with one Reddit post listing in detail every error and point of concern within the document.

According to the form, Feminist Frequency’s revenue went from around $18,000 in 2013, to over $400,000 in 2014, but despite this, there don’t seem to have been many advancements in the organisation’s structure or advocacy efforts.

Apart from the usual Tropes vs Women series, which aired just two episodes in 2014, there have been no new services or programs started by the charity in order to advance their goals, and the closest thing to progress seems to have been a t-shirt store that launched last month that currently features one design.

With no increase in the quality of videos – that is to say, with the lack of frequency in Feminist Frequency – it is easy to see why even those who have donated to the organisation are becoming critical.

The form also claims that host Anita Sarkeesian was the only officer paid during 2014 at a reported $18,885 a year, working 60 hours per week. Not only is it odd that only Sarkeesian was paid during the year, but working with this salary at those hours also indicates that she earns less than sweatshop workers in Los Angeles.

It is ironic that one of the most popular feminist organisations in America is not only doing nothing about the gender wage gap, but seems to be actively encouraging it.

Notorious Israel-hater and far-left activist producer for Feminist Frequency, Jonathan McIntosh, is absent from the form altogether. There is no mention of him throughout the entire document, despite reports that he runs Feminist Frequency.

Perhaps he was too busy writing Anita’s tweets while the form was being filled out, or maybe this is some cute nod to “diversity.” Pseudacademic Katherine Cross is the only other person listed on the form as an officer, but there is no mention of her being paid.

With revenue booming from under $20,000 to over $400,000 in a year, it is obvious that Feminist Frequency has outgrown its britches. But where is all the money going, if it’s not going on staff? What is Feminist Frequency actually doing?

The charity doesn’t take the time to document its activities, using just 25 per cent of the available space to write: “Feminist Frequency is a not-for-profit, educational organization that provides comprehensive analyses of modern media and advocates for the just treatment of all people online.”

Perhaps if challenged, Sarkeesian will put this down to the pernicious “girls filling out forms wrong” trope, but ultimately I doubt the IRS is into pop-culture criticism psychobabble.

Feminist Frequency is now a sizeable charity with a decent income. But to avoid questions about how it handles money, it needs to do a better job of explaining what its staff are actually up to.

And it should probably explain why Sarkeesian is paid such a pathetically small sum. None of the charity’s donors would object to her being paid a proper wage. But this pitiful $18,885 remittance looks like the product of creative accounting – and that can prompt closer scrutiny.

Charlie Nash is a British libertarian writer, memeologist, and child prodigy. You can follow him on Twitter here @MrNashington.

Canadian man who protested Muslim Attacks in Paris was arrested by Toronto Police

Eric Brazau, a Canadian street art performer and a prominent critic of what he calls the “Muslim barbarism”, was arrested on Friday, November 13, after he publicly expressed his outrage of the terrorist violence in Paris on Dundas square – same place where The Walk-in Islamic Info Centre (WIIC), a Toronto-based Muslim organization dedicated to propagating Islam, operates its Dawah booth on a daily basis.

The blogger Blogwrath was the first to post a video of the protest and subsequent arrest of Brazau. In the video, you can see that the protester is attacked immediately by the onlookers and bystanders who accuse him of being a racist, though he repeatedly says that Islam is not a race and could attract people from many races and backgrounds.

At one point, the man (Muslim in appearance) physically attacks the protester by pushing, shoving and verbally assaulting him. Brazau then walks across the street to a nearby restaurant where he loudly reports the number of civilian casualties in the Paris attacks and states: “Those people who did this say they are Muslims. And by the way, there are lots of Muslims here in Toronto! That’s a problem.” When the police came to the scene and escorted him out, you can hear someone say: “Yeah, lead him out – he’s a hater.”

While the police were questioning him, you can see that Brazau was cooperative and didn’t display any violent or unreasonable behaviour when trying to explain his emotional outburst. In the end, however, Brazau is taken away in handcuffs by five Toronto Police officers.



Canadian Government Liable for Damages from Syrian Refugees?


If one of the 25,000 Syrian refugees now due to arrive in Canada commits a violent criminal act or an act of terrorism, can the Government of Canada be sued for negligence? Canadian citizens who suffer harm from un-screened refugees may have a case for damages.

Canadian Prime Ministerial candidate Justin Trudeau promised in his campaign that he would move quickly to have Canada take 25,000 refugees from Syria. Now, as the new Prime Minister attends the G20 meetings in Turkey (15 November 2015) he has reconfirmed this pledge by saying that Canada is a “country that defines itself by its shared values, not its cultural differences.”[1]

On the same day, European officials have stated that they believe that there is “a very professional new squad of terrorists inserting themselves into some of these migrant voyages.”[2]

Simply put, Canada lacks the resources and knowledge base to screen this many people this quickly. The union representing the CBSA border guards says “the government doesn’t have the manpower to process 25,000 people in less than eight weeks.”[3]

Most flagrantly, Canada’s new Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, John McCallum, has stated that some of the screening will be done after the refugees arrive. Mr McCallum has stated that he might use a special exemption for the Syrian refugees called a “Minister’s Permit” and allow refugees into Canada even if the “security or health checks were not yet completed.” He would then “allow the rest of the scrutiny to take place in Canada.”[4]
