False Rape Accuser: Yenli Wong




Several mainstream media outlets and the Department of Education appear to have fallen for another fake rape, GotNews.com has learned.

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Yenli Wong graduated from Pomona College this spring but weeks before graduation she submitted a complaint with the Department of Education that she had been sexually assaulted and that Pomona had mistreated her.

Except there was no sexual assault and two of four complaints that she submitted were found to be lacking utterly in merit.

The complaint stems, in part, from a highly publicized article Wong wrote for the Huffington Post where she claimed to be a sexual assault victim.

The hoax also ensnared discredited feminist blogger Amanda Marcotte who continued to say that that there had been a rape at University of Virginia when there wasn’t one.

The Los Angeles Times’s Teresa Watanabe also fell for the hoax.

The first instance was in Fall Semester 2011 but Wong brought it up three years later as she was about to graduate.

Wong came to the male student’s room, the two made out, and then she left. Wong claims that he engaged in non-sexual touching when she tried to leave.

Wong joked afterwards in text messages how she wanted to hook up with the male student.

The second instance allegedly took place on March 3, 2013.

Wong and the male student were on the quad and he apparently touched her without her consent.

Wong claims that the male student groped her over her clothes in public. There are cameras everywhere and there’s no evidence that a sexual assault took place.

Wong’s boyfriend backed up her story after he learned what the story was.

Wong’s writings reveal a highly sexualized student. In an application for a school position she wrote, “my parents always encouraged me to use my sexuality to further my goals.”

She proposed events like “Porn: We Need To Talk About It, Religion and Porn,” a lecture by a male feminist, Hugo Schweitzer, talks by adult film stars.

She wanted to “find her voice as a ‘survivor’ of sexual assault” and attended a screening of the controversial film, The Hunting Ground. Much of Wong’s work seems to be performance art based. (She left a comment on a video project by a professor where she said she had been a victim of sexual assault.)

Wong also posed nude for a student photographer and teased the male student about it after she was supposedly assaulted.

Two of her claims lacked any evidentiary support. Half of her claims were found not to even be credible.

Wong has been enjoying her new found fame as an alleged “survivor.” She’s pushing a change.org petition to get Pomona to reform itself.

Wong ignored repeated requests for comment for this article.

But she’s continued to have an effect on the discourse.

‘ONE Taiwan’ is to be campaign slogan of KMT’s Eric Chu


TAIPEI, Taiwan — Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Eric Chu (朱立倫) unveiled his presidential campaign logo and slogan “ONE Taiwan,” yesterday, which was met with accusations of plagiarism.

In two Facebook posts, Chu emphasized his commitment to the elections, promising that his campaign will find “strength in unity and action.”

Chu said the selection of his campaign slogan was unique, as in the past, choosing slogans often involved a “long, tedious procedure,” and arguments.

“Selecting words for the slogan was quick” Chu wrote. The words chosen were “unity, action, and strength.”

While turning the three words over and over in his mind, Chu reflected on the numerous obstacles Taiwan has faced in recent years, Chu’s post said.

When complaints replace getting on with work, when too much time and effort are wasted arguing about problems, rather than solutions, “How can an economy grow? How can a society not become unstable?” Chu questioned.

“How should we answer the previous generation of hard-working people; how should we tell our children that their future will be better, when we look them in the eye at night?” Chu said it was time to stop finding excuses for failures to act “regardless of how many there are.”

“No matter what kind of obstacle we find before us, it is time for action — whatever it takes,” Chu said.

Taiwan’s plight requires the understanding of everyone and a united resolve, Chu said. Through a “colorful, varied and united” ONE Taiwan stance, Chu called for the people of Taiwan to unite their will and act.

Plagiarized Logo?

Chu also unveiled his campaign logo in a separate post: a tie-dyed “ONE” in his slogan “ONE Taiwan,” but local media began to speculate that is had been plagiarized, saying it bears a resemblance to the logo of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) campaign.

Tsai’s uses a green circle as her campaign logo, its colors varying according to the issue at hand.

KMT Culture and Communications Committee Chairman Lin Yi-hua (林奕華) told the local news media that Chu’s logo showed a “varied but united” Taiwan through its rainbow coloring.

Lin opined that Tsai’s logo showed nothing but her “hollowness,” another play on her nickname “Water Spinach” (空心菜), implying that she lacks substance like the insubstantial, watery vegetable.

In response to media questions on the plagiarism accusation, Tsai said she “respects” the KMT’s decision.

“We only have one Taiwan: We need an united Taiwan,” Chu’s post said. He pledged he would shun any ideas that would rip Taiwan apart in the presidential election, or that would turn Taiwan into a conflicted nation torn apart by regional schisms, such as disagreements between Northern and Southern Taiwan, or that involve unification or independence from mainland China, wealth inequality, social class and inter-generational conflict.

Referring to the DPP’s election campaign, Chu wrote that the KMT is giving the impression it is solely concerned with internal squabbles. “But, from another perspective, the KMT is, in reality, a party that can definitely embrace differing ideals,” he opined.

“Even amid squabbles, this is the nature of Taiwan: We only have this Taiwan,” Chu declared.

Ontario newborn bleeds to death after family doctor persuades parents to get him circumcised


National Post (Canada)

October 25, 2015

Ontario newborn bleeds to death after family doctor persuades parents to get him circumcised

by Tom Blackwell

TORONTO — An Ontario doctor has been cautioned after a 22-day-old baby bled to death from a circumcision gone horribly wrong, underscoring the heated debate over a simple yet contentious procedure.

Another physician involved in the case was urged by a medical governing body to be “mindful” of the operation’s dangers.

But Ryan Heydari’s parents say the regulators who handled their complaints have shed little light on what led to Ryan’s death – or how to prevent similar tragedies in future.

They say they did not even want the newborn circumcised — a view in line with longstanding recommendations from the Canadian Pediatric Society — but were persuaded to do so by a family physician.

In fact, the case only became public because the couple appealed the original Ontario College of Physician and Surgeons rulings, which were rendered in secret.

An appeal tribunal upheld this month a decision by the College to caution the doctor who saw Ryan in the emergency department hours after his circumcision, his diaper stained red with blood.

The Health Professions Appeal and Review Board also confirmed the college’s separate advice to the pediatrician who conducted the procedure to be aware of its potential hazards, and document his efforts to get informed consent.

The pediatric society said in a recent report that death from bleeding caused by circumcision is “extremely rare,” though it’s not completely unheard of. A five-week-old B.C. baby bled to death after being circumcised in 2003.

Ahmadi gave birth on Jan. 3, 2013 to a boy who loved attention, cried relatively little and seemed to actually smile. “He gave us the most amazing moments of our life,” says Ryan’s mother.

She and husband John Heydari, who immigrated from Iran about 12 years ago, opposed having him circumcised, convinced that “mother nature created us the way she intended us to be.”

But their family physician persuaded them it was a good idea for medical reasons, despite contrary advice from pediatric specialists.

Once carried out on most Canadian boys and still common as a religious rite for Jews and Muslims, circumcision has generally fallen in popularity, rates hovering around 32 per cent.

The pediatric society has long held that its risks – including pain to a small baby, bleeding and the chance of disfigurement of the penis – outweigh its benefits.

The group revisited the issue with a report just last month that addressed growing evidence circumcision helps prevent sexually transmitted disease, acting almost like a vaccine in countries with high rates of HIV. [“Almost like a vaccine”? Only one person says that.]

Circumcised boys [who survive] are also less likely to suffer urinary-tract infections and to develop rare penile cancer later in life, the society says.

But its report still recommended against routine circumcision of every newborn male, saying that it may make sense in certain cases. For those who have the procedure, “close follow-up in the early post-circumcision time period is critical,” the society warns.

One urologist says he has encountered a few cases where circumcised babies had to undergo transfusions because of dangerous bleeding, and sees less-serious complications routinely.

Dr. Jorge DeMaria of Hamilton’s McMaster University believes regulators should require doctors to prove they have undergone proper training before doing circumcisions. He also questions circumcising newborns for preventive-health reasons, in a country with low levels of HIV and wide availability of condoms.

Ahmadi says she and her husband knew almost immediately after their son’s procedure that something was seriously wrong.

The previously unfussy baby “was crying so much, so hard, and he wouldn’t stop,” she recalled in written answers to questions. “He was bleeding, and it only got worse over just hours … It was so obvious from the blood his tiny body had lost that he was in danger.”

The pediatrician who did the circumcision told the College he conducts many of them, that Ryan’s was uneventful and there was no bleeding when he checked the dressing before the family left.

The parents called about bleeding later that day, though, and he advised them to take Ryan to Toronto’s North York General Hospital, which they did.

“We … waited for care that could have saved his life, but that level of care never came,” says Ahmadi.

A sparse outline in the board’s decision says Ryan was eventually transferred to Sick Kids hospital, but died there seven days later. Pathologists said he succumbed to “hypovolemic shock” caused by bleeding from the circumcision, which emptied his body of 35 to 40 per cent of its blood.

The doctor at North York General — whose name has been withheld according to College policy — was cautioned for failing to recognize the seriousness of the boy’s condition or treating “compensated shock” – the first stage of the condition.

But the process left the family little further ahead in fathoming how Ryan could have died, said Brian Moher, their lawyer.

“My clients felt that there was a big gap in what the College had done with the investigations, essentially missing the point around the infant’s death.”

The devastated parents, meanwhile, have not had other children.

“The loss of Ryan, our only child, has made us realize that we can’t possess anything, even our hopes and dreams,” Ahmadi says. “We hope that this never happens to any other baby.”

Exclusive: Toronto man wearing “Infidel” patch stabbed for allegedly offending Muslims

The 56 year-old victim, who asked not be identified due to security concerns, told CIJnews that the stabbing attack took place at the entrance to the Sports Lounge Bar at Kennedy Road and St. Clair. A devout Christian who also follows the Jewish Torah, the victim was a regular at the bar on Sundays and was not shy about speaking about his criticism of Islam. The jacket he wore on the day of the stabbing had a patch on its front that reads “Infidel” in English and in Arabic (كافر).

At one point of that evening, he went out to bring in an amplifier from his wife’s car. At the entrance to the bar, three unfamiliar males stopped him. One of them, a white 6′ 4 male with dark hair and many tattoos on his body, presented himself as a Muslim, confronted him and inquired about the “Infidel” patch. After explaining to them that he is a Christian who collects patches, he felt intimidated as the three started closing in on him while his back was facing the entrance door with no way to escape.

He was told: “You offended my friend” and then the shortest guy, who stood suspiciously quiet and abstained from engaging in conversation with him, pulled a knife from his friend’s jacket and started stabbing him repeatedly in the abdomen.

The victim was taken by surprise from the unexpected hostile behavior of the three strangers, of whom two had a Mideastern appearance (one with Quebecois accent). At first he did not realize that he was stabbed as he wore a knife-proof biker vest. Instinctively, he tried to move away the hand of the attacker who “poked” him, and by doing so he sustained cuts in his palm and the attacker now aimed his knife under the vest causing two stabbing wounds.


Japan, S Korea, China leaders agree to mend strained ties


SEOUL, South Korea —

The biggest result of the first meeting of South Korean, Chinese and Japanese leaders in more than three years? More meetings.

But for three Northeast Asian economic and diplomatic heavyweights who spend a huge amount of time bickering over history and territory, the agreement for more dialogue at Sunday’s rare summit was a significant step forward. The long-running spat between Seoul and Tokyo, crucial U.S. allies, has been especially worrying for Washington as it looks to counter China’s rise and North Korea’s pursuit of nuclear bombs.

High-level contact between Tokyo and its two Asian neighbors nose-dived after hawkish Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe took office in late 2012. Beijing and Seoul see Abe as whitewashing Japan’s wartime atrocities.

A joint statement issued after the meeting said the sides agreed to try to resolve history-related issues and improve ties by “facing history squarely and advancing toward the future.”

The countries also pledged to hold a leaders’ summit every year and push to deepen their economic cooperation by accelerating free trade negotiations among themselves. They also reaffirmed a resolve to resume stalled international negotiations on North Korea’s nuclear weapons program.

South Korean President Park Geun-hye said at a joint news conference with Abe and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang that the resumption of cooperation among the countries was “historically important.”

“I think we took a big step toward peace and prosperity in Northeast Asia,” Park said. The leaders did not take questions at the news conference.

Starting his speech with a friendly “Hello” in Korean, Abe said he exchanged opinions on how to achieve regional prosperity with Park and Li in a “considerably candid manner.” He said Japan would host a leaders’ summit next year.

“Due to the reason that everyone knows, a trilateral cooperation has been hampered over the past three years,” Li said through an interpreter. “We don’t want to see difficulties flaring again in trilateral cooperation and summit talks, and ups and downs occurring in bilateral and trilateral ties.”

Despite protests from Seoul and Beijing, Abe hasn’t yielded on his nationalism. Even so, the three countries, closely linked economically, are pushing to find a way to improve ties.

On Saturday, Park and Li met separately and agreed to work toward ratifying by the end of the year a bilateral free trade agreement that their legislatures have yet to approve.

Park is to meet Abe on Monday in what will be her first formal one-on-one meeting with him since her inauguration in early 2013. Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Abe last November on the sidelines of a regional conference that Beijing hosted, and they’ve met twice since.

North Korea was on the agenda at Sunday’s three-way meeting. Pyongyang’s nuclear bomb and missile programs have long posed a serious security worry for Seoul and Tokyo. China is North Korea’s only major ally and biggest aid benefactor, but has shown signs that it’s increasingly fed up with the North’s repeated provocations.

Park told Li that she wants China to continue to play a constructive role on North Korea issues, while Li called for more patience to continue efforts to achieve a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula, according to Park’s office.

The joint statement Sunday said the three leaders would push to resume “meaningful” North Korean nuclear disarmament talks at an early date and reaffirmed their opposition to the development of nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula.

South Korea, China, Japan and North Korea are all part of now-dormant international negotiations on ending Pyongyang’s nuclear ambitions. The other two members of the so-called six-party talks are the United States and Russia.

Despite widespread discontent in Seoul with Abe, Park has faced calls at home to improve ties with Tokyo, and Washington has pushed its two Asian allies to heal their rift.

South Korea and Japan together host about 80,000 U.S. troops, the core of America’s military presence in the Asia-Pacific. Washington wants to solidify its alliance with the two countries to better deal with a rising China and a North Korean threat.