Feminism: Death Cult Chaos




“Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It” — this is a truth that cannot be repeated often enough as we watch the Democrat-Media Complex mobilize all its resources to elect Hillary Clinton president. Monday night I found myself assailed on Twitter by Clintonistas who resented my characterization of feminism as a totalitarian ideology as rigid and intolerant as the neo-Stalinism of the North Korean regime. The one thing Democrats cannot tolerate is the truth, and suppressing the truth about feminism — a movement that is not about “equality,” but instead is about power — is therefore necessary to Democrat success in the 2016 election campaign. If the truth is known, Democrats lose. Meanwhile, in England . . .

A student has spoken out about the challenges of identifying as neither male or female and also being attracted to both genders.
Speaking with the Liverpool Echo, Amy Toon – who studies modern history and politics at the University of Liverpool – described a feeling of relief at being able to self-identify as being non-binary and pansexual after years of being in the unknown.
However, despite being generally treated with respect, Amy told the site being referred to as “a girl” is upsetting and that many people think gay marriage is enough, but insisted the opposite. Amy also added how the option of hormone replacement would mean having to wait for up to five years, and said: “You have to live for quite a while being very unhappy with who you are.” . . .
Amy, originally from Leeds, described having to sign on as being female, however, services like the NHS provide the option of ‘Mx’ instead of the usual ‘Miss/Mr/Mrs’, and also told the news site “they/them” is a preferable way of being addressed, whereas others may opt for “ze, hir, hirs, and xe, xem, or xyr.”
Even though Amy has received support since self-identifying with both groups, the undergraduate highlighted feelings of anxiety and depression when being called a “girl” and added howstudents at the university “can be really transphobic.” Amy added: “They make stupid statements and our LGBT posters were torn down.” . . .

Amy Toon is a victim of society, oppressed by pronouns. How dare you call a girl a “girl,” you heteronormative transphobic bigot?

As easy as it is to laugh at such products of feminist ideology, we must not overlook the tragic dimension — what if it were your daughter who had been brainwashed by the transgender cult? — and the disastrous social consequences. A couple of weeks ago, I interviewed a parent whose child had been captured by this movement. It was a story familiar to anyone who has paid attention to this trend: A tomboyish daughter, a good student, generally well-behaved but somewhat socially awkward, quite suddenly becomes hostile and defiant, announces that she is “he,” denounces her parents as bigots for questioning the decision to “transition,” and pursues a new persona based on an extreme alienation from her female identity. Only after this dramatic and heartbreaking departure — their daughter not merely renouncing her identity, but rejecting her family — did the parents discover the precipitating cause. Their daughter, trying to cope with an adolescent identity crisis, had gone exploring the corners of the Internet where advocates of transgenderism celebrate “transition” as a miraculous cure for every confused teenager’s problem. These FtM (female-to-male) transgender blogs feature photos and videos showing the effects of testosterone injections and weightlifting in developing a masculinized physique, and the results of “top” surgery (i.e., mastectomy) by which tomboys turn themselves into simulations of men. Inside the transgender cult’s online echo chamber, the teenager encounters a very one-sided message.

“Propaganda” is not too strong a word to describe the transgender cult’s carefully calculated campaign to convert the confusion of an adolescent crisis into the certainty of “transition” into a new identity. Much like a porngraphy addict, the vulnerable teenager who is at first merely curiousabout transgenderism may quickly become obsessed, and parents whose children fall prey to the transgender cult often report that their teenager went from normal to weirdo to fanatic in a matter of months.

Laughter is not the appropriate response to these tragedies, and it is not just Christian conservatives who are raising concerns about thetransgender cult’s recruitment campaign. Radical feminists have been warning about this trend for years. The blog 4th Wave Now was started by a feminist who watched in horror as her daughter was captured by the transgender cult. Understand that the feminist mom responsible for 4th Wave Now enthusiastically approved of her daughter’s lesbianism; it was when the teenage lesbian rejected female identity that her mother became alarmed. Feminist gender theory — the social construction of thegender binary within the heterosexual matrix — denies that there is any such thing as “human nature,” and feminists condemn heterosexuality as “the ideology of male supremacy.” Teaching girls to hate and fear men is what feminist motherhood is all about, so when their daughters want to become men — identifying with the hated male oppressor — we understand why feminists panic. Instead of smashing patriarchy, their daughters want to be the patriarchy.


The feminist crusade to destroy civilization in the name of “equality” has produced many ironic results, and we may be tempted to laugh when the debris of this destructive project lands on the doorsteps of man-hating fanatics who have fomented this War Against Human Nature. Yes, we can ridicule freaks like Tobias “Tobi” Hill-Meyer, whose career as a transgender pornographer brought shame on his/”her” lesbian feminist mother(s). However, the expanding cultural influence of radical feminism — promoted for decades in university Women’s Studies classrooms, and now increasingly extended to the public school curriculum — is aimed at all children, and every parent concerned for the future must pay attention. “The Queering of Feminism” means that “equality” requires the destruction of morality. All critical dissent must be suppressed while government schools indoctrinate children in the movement’s anti-male/anti-heterosexual ideology. Wellesley College Professor Julie Matthaei credits feminism with exposing “the oppressiveness of traditional heterosexuality” in a movement that “advocated lesbianism as an option for women.” By demonizing males and stigmatizing heterosexuality in this way, feminism seeks to create equality, but what it actually creates is decadence and chaos.

Meanwhile, in England . . .

The number of primary school-aged children, some as young as four, beginning to “transition” their gender is rising rapidly in the UK. The popularity of the fad appears to be clustered, with children copying others in the same schools.
Up to 80 primary school-aged children a year are now seeking help towards potentially changing their gender, the chair of Mermaids, a charity which lobbies for families who believe their children and teenagers are transgendered, has revealed.
Speaking to the Telegraph, Susie Green said that, in some cases, British children as young as four are already in the process of “transitioning” to another sex.
She also described how her organisation has observed a cluster effect across the country, with children following one and another in the same school; a school where there might be a teacher who promotes transgender ideology.
Her anecdotal evidence correlates with the results of a study by Mark Zucker at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto, Canada, which found that transgenderism was more prominent and persistent among children when promoted by adults.
Researchers observed that children who saw therapists and others in authority who assume that they belong to the opposite sex can actually become more distressed, exacerbating their “gender dysphoric identity.”

Ask yourself, why is this trend so noticeable in England? One reason may be the 2010 Equality Act which effectively criminalizes criticism of the LGBT agenda. By making “sexual orientation” a protected category, this law not only requires schools to hire gay teachers, but makes it hazardous for anyone to express disapproval of homosexuality. LGBT advocacy in British schools is now ubiquitous and exempt from criticism, as is the case in many American school systems, where such advocacy often takes the form of “anti-bullying” programs. Is it any wonder, really, that many young people are so deeply confused about their sexuality?

Many parents are clueless about what is being taught in their children’s schools, but when we see transgender children in elementary school and LGBT clubs in high schools, it becomes obvious that the education system itself is dedicated to promoting this ideology. However, at the same time, the feminist fanatics who created the phony “rape epidemic” hysteria on college campuses are now promoting “consent education” in K-12 schools— to make sure that all students are warned that males are dangerous andheterosexuality is “rape culture.”

Feminism is a Death Cult, whose only goal is destruction — destroying religion, family, liberty, morality and, ultimately, human life itself.

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