WET: White Entertainment Television




White Entertainment Television (WET) is the television station that is always watched but never seen. It is the white counterpart to Black Entertainment Television (BET), an American television channel aimed at blacks.

White Americans say stuff like:

How come there’s a BET but not a White Entertainment Television? How is that fair?

You have BET. If we had WET, we’d be racists.

This is called being blind to white privilege. Or maybe just being blind.

It is called being so used to how society favours whites that you do not even notice it and think of it as “normal” and “fair”.

So fair that any change from it, like BET, Black History Month or affirmative action, is seen as unfair and reverse racist.

Peggy McIntosh, in her famous essay on white privilege, listed the WET thing as #6:

6. I can turn on the television or open to…

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